Of the ratings on these scales that the classiÞcation of family members as high or low in EE is made For example, if a relative makes an abovethreshold number of critical remarks (six or more in the case of schizophrenia), makes any SPECIAL SECTION MEASURING EXPRESSED EMOTION 387 710%) were reported in a German sample (Leeb et alFound high levels of expressed emotion in only 23% of families in Chandigarh, India Found 47% London Patterson et al (00) 3 steps to an expressed emotion family 1) Family members experience a sense of "loss" of the person they once knew 2) Family members engage in emotional overinvolvement in attempt to resolve emotional issues caused by1 Br J Nurs 07 Dec 1308 Jan 9;16(22) High expressed emotion precipitating relapse in substance misuse disorders Watts M(1) Author information (1)School of Health, Park Campus, University of Northampton, Northampton There is a considerable body of evidence on the effect of high expressed emotion on individuals suffering severe mental illnesses;
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